Darkwind Moves into 2018 by Shadram

Posted by admin 2018-01-08 in News

Darkwind 2018


The new year brings around more things for our guildmates to participate in. One of the benefits of being in a guild is to be able to tackle some aspects of the game with other people. More casual in nature, Darkwind will host them, and if you are free and want to come along, come and go as you please. It will take some time to roll these events out on a regular basis, so pardon the dust as we settle into the changes. These events include, but are not limited to:

  • TIMEWALKING EVENTS (Transmog runs, Timewalking dungeon nights, Timewalking raids)
  • LEGACY NIGHTS (Older Legion raids for quest and transmog acquisition)

Growlie will be reviving our GET TO KNOW YOUR GUILDIES, an interview-styled spotlight on members–new and old–to give our guildies more information on our Darkwind population. From these posts, you may learn some interesting facts about the people you see online.

Having a hard time finding others to run MYTHIC+ DUNGEONS? Liarawolf is here to help. Make sure to communicate with him, and he will do his best to coordinate with others, to allow for successful attempts at harder dungeon content.

Much of our direction moving forward has been solidified by the responses we obtained from our guild survey in October, so a big thank you goes out to everyone that took the time to answer our questions. To continue to provide an avenue for feedback, we will pin a FEEDBACK FORM on our Discord server, for members to leave thoughts, ideas, and responses to what Darkwind does well, and what Darkwind can improve upon.

Darkwind is always looking for people to help out with things around the guild, so if you are interested in hosting a trivia night, heading up some transmog/timewalking runs, or flesh out a current deficit, please let Shadram know! Lastly, if you ever have any questions about any of our existing events, the revamped #welcome channel on Discord has links for who to contact.

HERE’S TO 2018!