Get To Know Your Guildie: Faxmate
Posted by G2KYG 2024-07-27 inWelcome to the return of the Get To Know Your Guildies series! These are deep dive
interviews where we learn a bit more about our fellow Darkwind members, both in and
outside the game. Interested in being a part of this or have someone you’d like to
recommend? Reach out to Orythian in-game or in the Discord server!
Our first interview is an incredibly friendly member who has likely made one or more of
your pieces of crafted gear: Faxmate!

Faxmate, Draenei Paladin. Just look at those wings!
Part 1: You in the outside World
Tell the guild about yourself!
I am Peter (But also Fax), a 25-year old QA tester. I live on the coast of North Carolina with
my sister, having recently moved from Raleigh NC, and before that, Boston Mass.
What is your favorite food or meal?
I have discovered an absolutely delicious steak place nearby that has the most wonderful
steak sauces I’ve ever had, so right now that sits at number 1 for me.
Do you have any pets?
No pets, and because of my allergies I cannot get any, so I must live vicariously through the
rest of you posting your adorable pet pics in the Discord!
Do you have any hobbies?
I love watching sports, particularly Baseball and Football, and I am a part of a seasonal
beach volleyball league which has been a blast!
Favorite game outside of WoW?
I love Counter:Strike, no game frustrates me more, but it has been my favorite game to play
(aside from WoW) and watch for almost a decade now.
Favorite music?
Now that I’ve come out the other side of my Eurobeat phase, I’d say that my preference is
70s/80 classic rock. That being said my favorite band of all time is Imagine Dragons.
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie has been Clue for the longest time, but really it’s just the first in a long
list of movies I am always happy to rewatch (Moneyball, Ford vs. Ferrari, Dune, etc).
Favorite book or book series?
I love “The Expanse” series by James Corey, it’s one of the few book series I have actually
reread recently.
What is an interesting or exciting part of your life outside of WoW?
I am traveling up to Boston soon to see some old family and friends, which I am very much
looking forward to!
Part 2: You in Azeroth
How long have you played WoW?
I have played WoW for a little less than 4 years now.
When did you start playing?
I started playing WoW in 2020, only taking a handful of small breaks here and there from it
since then.
What brought you to Darkwind?
Darkwind is my first ever guild and I could not be happier to have met y’all. I was
recommended to this guild by a friend who convinced me to start playing WoW after I lost
interest in Destiny 2 (Thanks Liara, I will forever curse you for this), and I’m very thankful
that Darkwind decided to take me in!
What makes WoW particularly special or awesome to you?
No game captures the level of grandiosity and scale that WoW has, largely due to the game’s
longevity. The fact that the game continues to innovate in different and interesting ways
while still remaining true to its core gameplay is a huge feat.
Favorite dungeon or raid? Least favorite?
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market, is my favorite dungeon by far, and easily the best
megadungeon that Blizzard has released. A top tier aesthetic and theme matched only by
varied and interesting bosses really shoots this dungeon to the top. The same could be said
of Castle Nathria, my favorite raid, but it really takes the ideas of “theme” and “flavor” to
new levels, it is truly unmatched in those areas (and Denathrius is a banger boss with some
of my favorite voice lines in the whole game). I don’t really have any least favorite raids or
dungeons, but I’m never happy to see Uldaman when it pop up in my M+ rotation
Do you keep up with the WoW lore and story? If so, in terms of the story and lore, is
there an area of WoW lore or a story that is your favorite?
I try to keep up with WoW lore, and having recently played MoP remix I have come to the
opinion that Mists of Pandaria is the best lore and story expansion. From the zone stories,
to the expansion of Troll and Old Gods lore, to just how tightly written everything comes
together, it really has everything for a lore nerd like me.
What has been your favorite iteration of a class and/or spec, regardless of whether you
play it now? (ex. Rogue during Burning Crusade, Shaman in Legion, etc.)
I played a lot of Paladin in my time, and I have to say that Ret is in the best place it’s ever
been (though those hero talents are looking to make it even better), and I’m really happy
with how Prot has been this whole expansion. Hopefully there are no sweeping changes to
Prot/tanks as a whole to make the class less interesting to play
What is/was the best WoW expansion? Why?
Having only played the last 2 expansions as current content, it’s not controversial to say
that Dragonflight is better than Shadowlands. While I think that Dragonflight may be the
best expansion ever from a systems and features perspective (new talent trees,
Dragonriding, new crafting and upgrade system), I was disappointed from a story
perspective, so I would say MoP is my favorite story expac.
Part 3: Closing
Any shoutouts you’d like to give?
Thank you Ory for reviving this wonderful practice and I can’t wait to see who’s next!