Movember for Men’s Health Awareness by Shadram
Posted by NewsUncategorized 2014-11-01 inFor all of you that helped or attended our Breast Cancer Awareness events for the month of October, Darkwind wants you to know that your involvement has made a difference. Whether it be from a monetary donation or running around the streets of Stormwind reminding people to “save the boobs,” it has not gone unnoticed. Even the smallest impacts can snowball into something greater.
So we move into the month of November. Although October mostly focused on our fine ladies of Darkwind, let’s not forget that us gentlemen have to stay healthy too! November, now commonly referred to as “Movember,” provides us an opportunity to help raise awareness for men’s health.

If you play a male character in WoW, find the manliest beards and fanciest ‘staches to sport this month. And if you would like to participate in “No Shave November” in real life, don’t hesitate to post some gnarly facial hair pictures on our Facebook page.
Since November is jam-packed full of WoW-related events (WoD release, 10th anniversary celebration, 40-man LFR’s, just to name a few), our Darkwind events will not try to interfere with what Blizzard is already offering us, but be sure that we will try to fill our own 40-man LFR with Darkwind members when level 100 Molten Core is released for our exploration. We may also have a PvP brawl going on in the Tarren Mill vs Southshore BG.
Bringing it back to awareness, we are keeping our Darkwind PayPal open for the month of Movember. If you would like to donate to the American Cancer Society for this month, click on the widget on the top right of our page and notate that the donation is to “save the ‘stache!”
I’m looking forward to what Movember has in store for us. I hope to see our ranks increase for this month, as we welcome another expansion!